Thursday, August 27, 2009

Making Money Online - Getting Started With No Money

The major advantage of starting your new business online is that you can do it without major financial investment.

You can start blogging for free! (Google run the best known free blog service but there are others.) What's important is that you have something worthwhile to say, because you can't make any money unless you get lots and lots of visitors to look at your blog. Even though you're not going to have to spend much money you are going to have to spend some time and effort to make your blog into something people will want to visit, and most importantly, to re-visit, often.

There are lots of techniques you can use to create a buzz around your blog. You can create a squidoo lens, write articles, ping search engines, network on social networking sites and set up RSS feeds. These will all play a part in driving traffic to your blog site.

To make money you need lots and lots of visitors. You also need something for those visitors to spend their money on! Choose a product based around the subject of your blog. You'll do well if it's genuinely something useful, that solves a problem common to your particular niche. You can search for suitable products at and commission junction.

Once you've found a product that's going to be appreciated by your visitors you can monetize your blog by putting a review, photograph or graphic or banner ad on your blog. This is not difficult to do, and certainly Google's blogger has excellent technical FAQs to guide you through the process.

It is possible to insert Google AdSense ads onto your blog which will, it theory, generate an income if enough of your visitors click on those ads. It's certainly worth trying if you have a very high-traffic blog and your blog subject matter is general rather than specific. But you will make more money by concentrating on one excellent product that you can personally recommend.

This no-money-down method of starting to make money online does take time and effort. It's not easy but it is simple, and it does work. And it's a great way to start generating some income without having to pay out a fortune first!